Cross platform games : A UX/UI guide for PCs, consoles, and mobiles

July 1, 2024
Cross platform games : A UX/UI guide for PCs, consoles, and mobiles

Conquering the challenges of cross-platform game design requires a UX/UI strategy that transcends individual devices. This guide equips you to craft a seamless experience that thrives on PCs, consoles, and mobiles. Here's the key: understand the distinct strengths and limitations of each platform. Prioritize clear and intuitive menus for consoles, leverage touch-friendly interfaces for mobile, and design adaptable UI elements that scale effortlessly on PCs.  Consistency is also crucial – maintain a uniform visual language and core gameplay mechanics across platforms while embracing control scheme variations specific to each device.  By mastering this balancing act, you can create a truly universal gaming experience that captivates players regardless of their chosen platform.

The world of video games thrives on diversity. Players have a vast array of platforms to choose from, each offering unique experiences and capabilities. But for game developers, this diversity presents a challenge: creating a consistent user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) for cross platform games or games that flourish in just one specific platform. This blog post delves into the world of cross platform games, exploring the specific considerations for UX/UI design on PCs, consoles, and mobiles.

Navigating the Landscape: Understanding video game platforms


Traditional consoles like PlayStation and Xbox offer high-powered hardware and dedicated controllers, providing a “living room user-centric” gaming experience.


Personal computers cater to a wide range of hardware configurations, offering flexibility and customization for gamers. They typically utilize keyboard and mouse controls or gamepads.


Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have become a dominant gaming platform, offering a convenient and accessible way to play games on the go. Touchscreens are the primary input method.

Strengths and limitations: A platform breakdown


  • Pros: Powerful hardware, standardized controls, large screen displays.
  • Cons: Limited control customization, potential subscription fees.


  • Pros: Highly customizable hardware and controls, wide variety of game genres.
  • Cons: Hardware requirements can be high, potential compatibility issues.


  • Pros: Accessibility, affordability, constant connectivity, touch controls offer unique gameplay possibilities.
  • Cons: Limited processing power and screen size, touch controls can be less precise for complex games.

Choosing your platform: When and what works best?

Cross platform games : A UX/UI guide for PCs, consoles, and mobiles - 1

Sometimes cross platform games are not viable. That is why the decision of which platform to develop for is a strategic one, impacting everything from your target audience and development complexity to the overall design and monetization strategy. Here's a breakdown of key factors to consider when choosing the platform for your game:


If you're targeting casual gamers seeking quick, accessible experiences, the mobile game platform might be a perfect fit. The mobile game platform thrives on bite-sized gameplay sessions, making it ideal for puzzle games, casual RPGs, or pick-up-and-play action titles.  Additionally, the free-to-play model with in-app purchases is prevalent on mobile, allowing you to reach a wider audience without an upfront purchase barrier.

Console and PC

For players seeking more complex mechanics, deeper narratives, and high-fidelity graphics, console platforms and PC platforms are strong contenders. They cater to a wider range of genres, from sprawling RPGs and action-adventure games to strategy titles that benefit from precise keyboard and mouse controls. However, reaching this audience typically requires a premium pricing model, so consider factors like development costs and potential return on investment.

Game Genre

Genre suitability

Certain genres naturally align better with specific game platforms. Real-time strategy games, for instance, often thrive on the strategic advantage of keyboard and mouse controls offered by PCs. Conversely, turn-based strategy games or puzzle games can translate well to mobile with their touch-friendly interfaces. Consider the core mechanics of your game and how they would translate to the control schemes and user interaction paradigms of each platform.

Genre popularity

It's also wise to consider genre popularity on each platform.  Mobile boasts a vast library of casual and mid-core games, while consoles and PCs might see more success with strategy games, complex RPGs, or high-octane action titles. Understanding player preferences for your chosen genre on each platform can inform your decision.

Development resources - When possible, adapt cross platform games

Cost and time

Adapting cross platform games can significantly increase development time and costs.  You'll need to consider factors like team expertise, budget limitations, and the need to potentially create platform-specific assets or UI adaptations. If resources are limited, focusing on a single platform might be a wiser initial approach.

Cross-platform potential

However, if your game concept has cross platform game potential, explore potential solutions like using development tools that allow for easier porting between platforms. This can allow you to reach a wider audience in the future without necessarily doubling your development efforts upfront.

Monetization strategy

Platform monetization models

Each platform has its own dominant monetization models. Mobile often relies on a free-to-play model with in-app purchases, while console and PC games typically utilize a premium pricing model or might explore season passes or DLC (downloadable content) for additional revenue streams. Consider your chosen platform's standard practices and how your game can effectively leverage its monetization options.

Bridging the divide: UX/UI design principles for cross platform games

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The allure of reaching a wider audience through cross platform game development is undeniable. However, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience across diverse platforms with varying input methods and screen sizes presents a unique design challenge. Here, we delve into core cross platform game UX/UI principles to bridge the divide and create a seamless experience for players on all platforms:

Prioritizing readability

Foundational to a positive user experience is ensuring clear and legible text and UI elements are applied in a cross platform games fashion. This requires a thoughtful approach to typography:

Scalable fonts

Utilize fonts that scale well at different sizes. Avoid overly decorative fonts that might become illegible on smaller screens like mobile devices.

Appropriate Font Size

When it comes to cross platform games, adjusting font size based on the respective game platform and its typical viewing distance is of utmost importance. Menus and text on a large TV screen can be smaller than those on a mobile phone held close to the face.

Dynamic text layouts

Consider implementing dynamic text layouts that adjust spacing and line breaks based on screen size to ensure optimal readability on all platforms.

Responsive design

Borrowing a concept from web design, responsive design principles are essential for cross platform game UX/UI. This involves creating UI elements that adapt and adjust seamlessly to various screen sizes and resolutions.

Flexible layouts

Utilize flexible layouts that can rearrange and resize UI elements based on the available screen space. This ensures menus, buttons, and other interactive components remain usable and appropriately spaced on TVs, tablets, and mobile phones.

Adaptive user interfaces

Consider creating cross platform game specific versions of certain UI elements. For instance, a detailed inventory menu on PC might be condensed into a more streamlined icon-based system on mobile devices with limited screen real estate.

Context-aware design

Understanding and catering to the specific input methods of each platform is crucial for intuitive controls.

Touch-friendly interfaces

For mobile games, prioritize touch controls that are large, easily recognizable, and positioned strategically to avoid accidental presses. Utilize clear visual feedback mechanisms to confirm player input through touch.

Gamepad and keyboard/mouse optimization

On consoles and PCs, optimize the UI for gamepad or keyboard and mouse controls, respectively. Ensure menus can be navigated efficiently using gamepad buttons or keyboard shortcuts. Consider offering visual cues or on-screen instructions to remind players of available control options.

Customizable control schemes

Whenever possible, provide players with the option to customize control schemes. This allows them to tailor the controls to their preferences and comfort level, further enhancing the overall user experience.

Performance optimization

Mobile optimization

For mobile games, prioritize performance optimization by utilizing efficient graphics and animation techniques. This ensures the game runs smoothly on a wider range of devices with varying processing capabilities.

Graphics settings

On consoles and PCs, consider offering adjustable graphics settings. This allows players with high-end hardware to enjoy the game's full graphical fidelity, while those with less powerful machines can adjust settings to maintain a smooth experience.

Consistent visual style

While UI elements might need to adapt to different screen sizes, strive to maintain a consistent visual style across all platforms. This visual cohesion creates a unified brand identity for your game, fostering player recognition and immersion within your game world.

Core visual elements

Maintain a consistent style for core visual elements like menus, buttons, character design, and the overall game environment. This consistency reinforces the game's identity and creates a sense of familiarity for players regardless of the platform they choose.

Scalable Art Assets

Utilize scalable art assets that can be adjusted in resolution without compromising visual quality. This allows for high-fidelity graphics on consoles and PCs while ensuring clear visuals on mobile devices with lower resolutions.

Conclusion: Mastering the multi-platform landscape

The world of cross platform games offers exciting possibilities for developers to reach a wider audience. However, it requires careful consideration of UX/UI design for each game platform to ensure a consistent and enjoyable experience for all players. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each platform, adhering to cross platform game design principles, and learning from successful examples, you can create a game that thrives across the diverse landscape of the video game industry.

PUNCHev Group, a leading company specializing in UI/UX design for games, can help you navigate the complexities of cross platform game development. Our team of experienced designers possesses a deep understanding of UX/UI principles for each game platform, from mobile touchscreens to console controllers. We can help you craft a seamless user experience that transcends platforms, keeping your players engaged and immersed in your game world.You can check out our UX portfolio projects and see our process of turning problems into solutions. 

Ready to take your multi-platform game concept to the next level? Contact PUNCHev Group today to discuss your project and explore how we can transform your vision into a reality. Visit our service section for more information about our UX design services and learn more about our other services.